AU Students Learn How to Make Perfumes

Ajman University, in a bid to connect core science courses with real world, has organized a specialised workshop on making perfumes.
The training session, themed: ‘Scent of Chemistry’, was run by the Department of Math and Science at the College of Humanities and Sciences, AU.
Dr. Heba Aboukhousa, Chemistry Assistant Professor, assumed the workshop during which the students learnt how to scientifically and practically make perfumes.
“The workshop equipped the students with the information needed on perfume industry and boosted their awareness of the scientific materials they are studying in their biochemistry course.”
Present were biochemistry students at the College of Humanities and Sciences, along with their fellows at the College of Engineering and the College of Mass Communication.
The Office of Hostel - Female Residence, at the AU Deanship of Student Affairs has, meanwhile, organized a training session on the relationship and interaction between body chemistry and perfumes.
The workshop, themed: ‘Your perfume, your personality’ was delivered by Ms. Amal Al Harbi, Owner and Manager of the Fooqa Boutique.
In her presentation, she explained how chemicals differ from one body to another because of internal chemical reactions.
“Fragrances react differently according to body chemicals,” she said, and explained all types of alcohol and the best of these used in perfume industry.
The students, excited about the valuable workshop, made their own personal perfume which they mixed with French or Oriental oils, and learnt the art of selecting and mixing the right aroma of fragrance.