AU trains students on positive thinking, art of listening, public speaking

Ajman University (AU) has run a number of valuable courses to enlighten students on positive thinking, and how to be effective listeners and compelling speakers.
The specialized workshops, part of a series of training courses assumed by the Student Guidance Unit at the AU Deanship of Student Affairs, are aimed to develop students’ awareness.
In her workshop on ‘Positive Thinking’, renowned expert Ghada El Masry shed light on the definition, impact and fruits of the same, and how students can apply positiveness in their daily lives.
“Students were also educated about the signs of a positive person, positive thinking skills, possible challenges, how to be positive, and different types and stages of thinking and feelings.”
Social Counselor Maha Tahrawi, in her workshop on ‘The art of listening’, defined it as a process in which the listener gives attention to another moving through three levels of hearing, listening, and full concentration.
Advising, she said one should follow certain steps to be a good listener. “A good listener keeps eye contact with the speaker, and never interrupt him or her unless there is something urgent.”
“Stay seated, avoid unnecessary movements, show some slight gestures and movements that reflect your complete attention, and raise relevant questions at the end of the speech.”
In a third workshop on public speaking presented by prominent expert Mohamed Samisem, the students were enlightened on the skills indispensable for an influential public speaker.
The lecturer then talked about the levels of speakers. “The students present were advised on how to be prepared for giving a public speech, and most importantly how to give the same in the most influential way possible.”
“The students were also trained on the proper technique of breathing during a public speech, and how to avoid the most common problems while giving a speech in public.”
Social Counselor Maha Al-Tahrawi, in a workshop on positive energy and thinking, said positive thinking is a driving force to look for opportunities and solutions for challenges and difficulties.
“This can be done by repeating positive and motivating phrases, avoiding self-blame and self-talk, determining the main goal of life, and setting some short-term objectives.”
Nonetheless, one should always trust and believe in Almighty Allah who has full control of everything, she underlined. “Man’s life is already predestined, yet we are free to change what we are permitted to.”