SOU Organizes Workshops on Self-Development

The Student Orientation Unit (SOU) of the Deanship of Student Affairs at Ajman University organized specialized workshops in self-development, provided by specialists in the field, and attended by university students from different colleges and disciplines.
Professor Asma Abu Qadri presented a workshop entitled "The Way from Ignoring the Self to Discovering It". She spoke about the distinction between several terms including self-esteem, self-confidence, dignity, self-love, self-layers, spirit, self, personality and ego. The workshop also dealt with the formation of the pseudo-self-image (ego), the human mind, the intellectual process, the cognition, the ideas, feelings and behavior, as well as the basic needs of the growing child and the effective education.
During the workshop, Ms. Asma talked about the energy of love and love as a complete commitment, the internal journey of self-discovery, the cognitive adjustment of trauma and internal child trauma, the activation of self-insight, the disposal of judgments and misconceptions, relaxation and elimination of anxiety and chronic stress, and holding the steering wheel of your life. She also reviewed the elements of self-love.
On the other hand, Dr. Maha Abu Raya presented a workshop entitled "Love of Life", in which she spoke about activating the effective management of tolerance, defining tolerance and conflict, its causes and sources, stages of tolerance, deducing the positive effects of tolerance, analyzing personalities and how to communicate effectively with them, and how to apply the skills of tolerance management strategies.