Student Counseling Unit Organizes Self-development Workshops

The Student Counseling Unit of the Deanship of Student Affairs at the University of Ajman organized workshops in self-development, provided by specialists in the field, and attended by students from various colleges and disciplines.
Professor Asma Abu Qadri presented a workshop entitled "The Road from within the Self" where she spoke of the distinction between several terms including self-esteem, self-confidence, dignity, self-love, self-layers, spirit, self, personality and ego. The workshop also tackled the formation of the pseudo-self-image (ego), the human mind, the intellectual process, the cognition, thoughts, feelings and behavior.
On the other hand, Dr. Maha Abu Raya presented a workshop entitled "Love of Life", in which she spoke about activating the effective management of tolerance, defining tolerance and conflict, its causes and sources, stages of tolerance, devising the positive effects of tolerance, analyzing personalities and how to communicate effectively with people of different personalities.