SSC Awards Hana Mohamed for Her Outstanding Contribution to Student Success

Ajman University Student Success Center (SSC) announced that Miss Hana Mohamed Hamed is the winner of the SSC Admin Team Member of the Year Award for her exceptional contributions to the SSC and its mission of facilitating students to succeed in their academic journey at AU.
The award is given to the SSC Admin team member who demonstrates outstanding leadership, dedication, and commitment to their role in supporting the success of students at Ajman University through the SSC’s programs. As the Training Coordinator of the Peer Tutoring Program, Miss Hana is responsible for maintaining the continuity of training sessions for peer tutor nominees and for developing the training manual in addition to providing training alongside the Manager of the Center.
She has additionally represented the SSC in awareness visits and events around the campus and was a regular contributor in the Orientation Weeks each semester. In addition to her administrative role as Training Coordinator, Hana remained one of the most active Peer Tutors, never turning down a request for sessions to help her colleagues. We extend our congratulations to Miss Hana for her outstanding contributions to the Student Success Center and the Ajman University community.